For some time now we have sought to equip intercessory prayer among the whole flock at TRBC by utilizing a Calender Prayer Guide division of our covenant members and attenders.


If you have yet to grab a copy on the welcome table at church, I hope you will do so on your next Lord's Day with us.


One barrier to sticking with a practice of regular prayer for our brothers and sisters comes when we don't know what to pray for on behalf of one or more households on the list.


I saved an email years ago from an elder of my previous church in Orlando that illustrates just what to do when you struggle to know how to pray for someone.


Here’s part of the text he sent me:


Therefore, my beloved brother Curt, be firm [steadfast, solid, unfaltering, unwavering, unswerving, unshakeable, resolute, secure] unmovable, [unaffected, unbothered, steady, stable] always abounding [thriving, flourishing, successful] in the work of the Lord [always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord], knowing and being continually aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile [it is never wasted or to no purpose].

1 Corinthians 15:58 (with the liberty of some personal amplification)  


Now that’s what I’m talking about! This brother came to the H’s in that day's list and prayed in a very specific way for Heffelfinger, and don’t miss this – HE TIED IT TO THE SCRIPTURE!


He models for us a point that D. A. Carson makes in his book, A Call to Spiritual Reformation.


Prayer is his ordained means of conveying his blessings to his people. That means we must pray according to his will, in line with his values, in conformity with his own character and purposes, claiming his own promises. Practically speaking, how do we do that? Where shall we learn the will of God, the values of God, the character and purposes of God, the promises of God? We shall learn such things in the Scriptures he has graciously given us. But that means that when we pray, when we ask God for things, we must try to tie as many requests as possible to Scripture. That is an immensely practical step (emphasis added).


Don’t let the fear of not knowing what to pray for when you come to the church list hinder you. Pick a passage of Scripture and pray it back to God on behalf of the people for that day. As an extra bonus blessing, send an email to or text somebody or everybody and tell them what you prayed and why you prayed it.


You too can make someone’s day through the immensely practical step of praying for someone according to the will of God in His living and active word.


Brethren, pray for one another!