DECEMBER 18, 2022 at TRBC

Please note: there will be a love offering received for the rebuilding of the Youngberg tiny home recently destroyed by fire.


Here are the elements for this Sunday's worship service!


Pre-Teaching: Installation of New Members

                       Advent Candle: "The Angel's Candle" (Love) 


Hymns of Praise: Hark! the Herald Angels Sing

                            What Child Is This?


Hymn of Gratitude: I Will Glory in My Redeemer


Old Testament Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-17

New Testament Reading: Matthew 28:18-20


Sermon Text: Hebrews 1

Sermon Title: "Jesus Christ, Our King"

                       Pastor Eric Botzet


Hymn of Response: Crown Him with Many Crowns


Lord's Table




A fellowship meal will follow the worship service. Please bring a dish to share.