An Excerpt from A Body of Divinity


Thomas Watson (c. 1620-86) was an English Puritan minister who pastored congregations in London.


He wrote the following as part of his treatise on the attrtibutes of God:


"It is the great design God carries on in the world, to make a people like himself in holiness. What are all the showers of ordinances for, but to rain down righteousness upon us, and make us holy? What are the promises for, but to encourage holiness? What is the sending of the Spirit into the world for, but to anoint us with the holy unction? I John 2:20. What are all afflictions for, but to make us partakers of God’s holiness? Hebrews 12:10. What are mercies for, but loadstones to draw us to holiness? What is the end of Christ’s dying, but that his blood might wash away our unholiness? ‘Who gave himself for us, to purify unto himself a peculiar people.’ Titus 2:14. So that if we are not holy, we cross God’s great design in the world."


A Body of Divinity is a regular component of my quiet times with the Lord.


I highly recommend it for your pursuit of God and growth in holiness!