Join us this Friday evening at 6 PM for our Good Friday observance.
Given the solemnity of remembering Christ's suffering, we request that you enter and leave the building in silence. Please reserve fellowship for the parking area.
The sermon text for the evening is Hebrews 10:11-14.
The title of the message is "Seeing & Savoring the Savior's Superior Sacrifice."
We will also observe the Lord's Supper.
Paul Tripp writes:
Good Friday was not the end. Easter Sunday was yet to come. In God's righteous and wise plan, this dark and disastrous moment was ordained to be the moment that would fix all the dark and disastrous things that sin had done to the world. This moment of death was at the same time a moment of life. This hopeless moment was the moment when eternal hope was given. This terrible moment of injustice was at the very same time a moment of amazing grace. This moment of extreme suffering guaranteed that suffering would end one day, once and for all. This moment of sadness welcomed us to eternal joy of heart and life. The capture and death of Christ simultaneously purchased for us life and freedom. The very worst thing that could happen was at the very same time the very best thing that could happen. Only God is able to do such a thing!
We look forward to seeing you this Friday!