MARCH 13, 2022 at TRBC

Here are the elements for this Sunday's worship service!


Pre-Teaching: The Heidelberg Catechism, Question 1


Hymns of Praise: Lift High the Name of Jesus and Great Is Thy Faithfulness


Hymn Of Gratitude: When Trials Come


Old Testament Reading: Ecclesiastes 9:7-10

New Testament Reading: 2 Timothy 1:15-18


Sermon Text: Genesis 46:28-50:2 6 (emphasis on 46:28-47:26)

Series Title: "Genesis: The Book of Beginnings"

Sermon Title: "Blessing's Bearers at Death's Door" (Part One)


Hymn of Response: Every Promise of Your Word


A fellowship meal will follow the service and meeting. Please bring a dish to share.