Here are the elements for this Sunday's worship service!
Please note: a special love offering will be collected for Team Bozeman to send them on their way in a manner worthy of the Lord! Make checks payable to "TRBC" and place them in the designated basket on the welcome table. Thank you!
Pre-Teaching: Team Bozeman Church Planters Sendoff
Hymns of Praise: All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name and Let the Earth Resound
Hymn Of Gratitude: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Old Testament Reading: Numbers 8:5-13
New Testament Reading: Acts 13:1-3
Sermon Text: 3 John 1-10
Sermon Title: "Sacred Sending for the Sake of the Name" Pastor Curt Heffelfinger
Hymn of Response: O Church, Arise
A fellowship meal will follow the service and meeting. Please bring a dish to share.