For part one of the story click here.
I was on paid staff at Master's Bible Church in downtown Denver from 1996-1999, teaching men's studies and teaching the 14-week New Member's class numerous times (I was tasked with developing the curriculum). Being a full-time student in the Master's School of Biblical Studies at the time, I was given an office at the church and a salary.
I left that church upon my older brother’s accidental death (aged 37) to return to Maine to take care of family needs. I preached my unbelieving brother’s funeral, as well as three of my unbelieving grandparent’s funerals over the next several years. While living in Maine, I had opportunities both to disciple and to provide interim pulpit supply. Thanks to the Lord, I was blessed to see my younger brother’s conversion and baptism. While attending Emmanuel Baptist Church in Plymouth, ME, I filled the pulpit for Pastor Bob Emrich when he needed time off.
After returning to Colorado and graduating from seminary in 2011, I’ve continued teaching and preaching. At Southside Bible Church in Centennial, CO, I developed and taught a 16-week adult course on Biblical Theology, and co-taught four of the New Member classes on the Fundamentals of the Faith. The Pastors there had me preach the main morning service before I was sent out to fill the pulpit at Believers Bible Church.
I was on paid staff providing interim pulpit supply, preaching for a year at Believers Bible Church in Highlands Ranch, CO. I was under the authority of Southside Bible Church (a FIRE church – 600+ in attendance) which is pastored by multiple men, three of whom I've known since the 90’s. Pastor Ken Murphy, Pastor Ray Andraos, Pastor Bryan Rutland, and Pastor Greg Kurtz all know me well, and will gladly give references for me. They are eager to support whatever ministerial responsibilities the Lord assigns to me.
Bryan and I studied together at the Master's School of Biblical Studies in Denver, and Ken used me as a fill-in teacher for the large high school group he taught as Pastor of Master's Bible Church. The elder assigned for my direct oversight was Pastor Greg Kurtz, who critiqued my sermons and spent hours mentoring me each week in my home. Upon their request, Believers Bible Church was reabsorbed into Southside Bible Church when they decided to purchase a larger building in the same area as the church-plant.
Since moving to Idaho in October of 2013, I’ve periodically filled in for pastors in the area. While attending Fellowship Bible Church in Post Falls, I preached for Pastor Mark Hardy. While attending Reformation Community Church in the Spokane area for 3 years, I filled the pulpit for Pastor Jeremy Lyerla, ending up preaching once every five weeks during the last year we were there.
For a year and a half, my wife and I attended Maple Street Community Church in Hayden on a mission to further grow that church, where I preached 6 times when Pastor Jack Nemeth was out of the pulpit. For 2 months in 2019 I provided interim pulpit supply for Crossroads Baptist Church in Rose Lake. I also preached 6 times for Pastor Joshua Shirey at Northstar Baptist Church in Hayden, and 4 times for Pastor Steve Massey at Hayden Bible Church, where I’m teaching Theology on Sunday evenings in the Sanctuary. (My wife and I are members there.)
Currently, my primary ministries have been in discipleship, filling pulpits, editing Christian books (about nine so far), compiling a Harmony of the Gospels, and teaching Theology Classes. I fervently desire to continue expending myself for the Glory of God, for the good of His people, and for the conversion of the lost in gospel proclamation until the day I go home to be with the Lord.