Here are some important updates for our church!

Dakota Davis is now completely funded for his October Africa mission trip with ITEM. Praise the Lord! Sunday's special offering totalled $1500 meeting the rest of his need. Thank you for being a generous people.

Remember we change our midweek meeting to Tuesdays starting September 14. The time changes as well. Our study of the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith will start at 6:30 and run the first hour. Then we will pray for the second hour. I've heard that a number of folks are glad for this new study emphasis this fall. I am particularly grateful for the four other brothers who will help facilitate discussion.

As announced last Sunday, we have scheduled a congegational meeting after the service on September 12. The agenda will include a financial report and a status report on the pastoral succession process.

With respect to the pastor search, the position opening is now live on our website. Click here to access it. Please continue to pray for the Lord to bring us His man in His time. We have begun to post the opening on various ministry job boards starting with FIRE. Our submission is currently under review with them. See the TGC website for an example of an already-approved posting. 

And now for the best news of all. Drum roll please . . .


OK, so I'm a tad biased, but I sure am excited. We hope to see you all at prayer tomorrow evening.