I will be brief in this post. More words here from another than from me.
Today marks the 8th anniversary of my son, Joshua's, death at age 35. No one should have to bury a child.
Grief remains great, but grace is still greater. With the Lord's help, I am sorrowful yet always rejoicing (2 Corinthians 6:10). Blessed be His name.
Words from the past comforted me those many years ago and they still do this sad day.
They come from the pen of John Owen, the great English Reformer and pastor, to a woman who lost a daughter. Owen himself lost ten of his eleven children. They all died young. His words can speak more powerfully than most.
Every work of God is good; the Holy One in the midst of us will do not iniquity; and all things shall work together for good unto them that love him; even those things which at present are not joyous, but grievous; only his time is to be waited for, and his way submitted unto, that we seem not to be displeased in our hearts, for he is Lord over us.
Your dear infant is in the eternal enjoyment of the fruits of our prayers, for the covenant of God is ordered in all things and sure. We shall go to her; she shall not return to us. She is happy in this above us, being born to move you to faith and patience and to glorify God’s grace in her eternal blessedness.
My trouble would be great because of my absence from you at this time, were it not for knowing that this is also the Lord’s doing. But I will beg of God for you both, that you may not faint in this day of trial, that you may clearly see all the spiritual and temporal mercies provided to you (none of which we deserve) so that the sorrow of the world would not overwhelm your hearts. God, in Christ, will be better to you than ten children, and he will preserve your family and add to it for his glory and your comfort. Shall I say, ‘be cheerful’? I know I may. God help you to honour, grace and mercy. My heart is with you, my prayers shall be for you, and I am,
Dear Madam,
Your most affectionate friend,
And unworthy pastor,
J. Owen
Oh that God might be better to us than ten children, ten million dollars, or ten zillion of anything.
Pray that for anyone you know who grieves great loss.
Pray that for us all.